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Time to Plan for Summer

Posted on 01/11/2023, by Dr. Ellen Fithian (0 comments)

I have never been a winter person. Frosty mornings and dark, frigid afternoons leave me cold. Even a mild Virginia winter generally seems about two months too long, so by late January I'm dreaming of summer. And while it may still be several months away, you should be thinking about it, too. Many summer programs advise interested applicants to apply early due to limited enrollment, so it's time to start scoping out summer options.

Where Do You Start?

There are summer programs to explore just about anything you can imagine, from archeology to playwriting, learning a new language to conducting genetics research. But how do you find the ones your teen is interested in?

Sample a College

One worthwhile use of a teen's summer might be sampling life on the campus of a college she’s interested in attending - or learning more about a specialized career field, like architecture or engineering. Programs abound in all sorts of disciplines, but be aware that they fall into two distinct categories.

1. Enrichment Programs

I use the term enrichment program to refer to those in which no academic credit is offered. A few specific examples include the International Relations Academy at Georgetown University, Introduction to Engineering at Notre Dame, and Conservatory of Music courses at Oberlin College. The advantage of these programs is that they are low-risk. Students can get a taste of college life, dip their toe into college academics, and enjoy themselves without worrying about their grade. Based on that description, you can probably guess that this is the type of program I favor.

2. Programs In Which Students Earn College Credit - Proceed With Caution!

The second type of summer program allows high school students to take college courses, frequently alongside undergraduates, and earn college credit. This venture is a lot riskier. While a high school junior who scores an A in Philosophy of Nietzsche at a top college will have gained an impressive credential, enrolling in such a course is chancy. It's a bit like a gymnastics rookie attempting a backward handspring off the balance beam; if she lands on her feet it's a triumph, but if she lands on some other part of her anatomy it's not so pretty. Many universities, such as Georgetown and Notre Dame, offer both non-credit courses like those mentioned above as well as credit-bearing courses, so pay close attention to which type of program your teen is signing up for. Other colleges that offer both types of courses include University of PennsylvaniaBrownColumbia and many others.

Exercise Parental Diligence

Before signing on the dotted line for any program, be sure to thoroughly investigate its level of supervision. Where will students live? Will a resident advisor live with them? Is there a curfew? Do guys and girls share hallways? Bathrooms? However bright your teenager may be, ask yourself whether he is mature enough to take advantage of the program and avoid getting into trouble. You’re the parent, and you know your teen, so in the final analysis you need to read the fine print about each program and choose one you think your child is ready for. If you're not comfortable with sending your teen away from home at all yet because of his/her maturity level, check out the above sites anyway - many of them offer a host of online offerings as well as in-person.

Hope all your kids find a great summer program!

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Posted on 01/11/2023, by Dr. Ellen Fithian (0 comments) « Previous Entry    Next Entry »




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